FOSS Documentation - Record definitions for the FOSS databases

unit Types;

{ ========================================================================== }
{ Size of maximum sized 16-bit arrays of Byte, Word or LongInts              }
{ ========================================================================== }
  CByteMaxHigh     = 65520;
  CWordMaxHigh     = ( CByteMaxHigh div 2 );
  CLongMaxHigh     = ( CWordMaxHigh div 2 );

{ ========================================================================== }
{ Maximum sized 16-bit arrays of Byte, Word or LongInts                      }
{ ========================================================================== }
  TByteMax         = array[0..( CByteMaxHigh - 1 )] of Byte;
  TWordMax         = array[0..( CWordMaxHigh - 1 )] of Word;
  TLongMax         = array[0..( CLongMaxHigh - 1 )] of LongInt;

{ ========================================================================== }
{ Maximum sized 16-bit arrays which can be accessed as Byte, Word or
  LongInts                                                                   }
{ ========================================================================== }
  TBufMax          = record
    case Byte of
      0: ( Bytes   : TByteMax );
      1: ( Words   : TWordMax );
      2: ( Longs   : TLongMax );
  end; { record TBufMax }

{ ========================================================================== }
{ Message text buffer, buffer used for all kind of messages in FOSS          }
{ ========================================================================== }
  PMsgBuffer       = ^TMsgBuffer;
  TMsgBuffer       = array[0..( CByteMaxHigh - 1 )] of Char;

{ ========================================================================== }
{ Types orginally defined in the DOS unit                                    }
{ ========================================================================== }
  PathStr          = string[79];
  DirStr           = string[67];

{ ========================================================================== }
{ String types, just to simplify further definitions                         }
{ ========================================================================== }
  Str4             = string[4];
  Str6             = string[6];
  Str10            = string[10];
  Str12            = string[12];
  Str16            = string[16];
  Str30            = string[30];
  Str40            = string[40];
  Str46            = string[46];
  Str60            = string[60];
  Str80            = string[80];
  Str200           = string[200];

{ ========================================================================== }
{ Date and time types                                                        }
{ ========================================================================== }
  TDate            = record
    Year           : Word;
    Day            : Byte;
  end; { record TDate (4 Bytes) }

  TTime            = record
    Minute         : Byte;
  end; { record TTime (2 Bytes) }

  TDateTime        = record
    Date           : TDate;
    Time           : TTime;
  end; { record TDateTime (6 Bytes) }

{ ========================================================================== }
{ Password type, used to store password and Expiry date                      }
{ ========================================================================== }
  TPassword        = record
    Pwd            : Str12;            { Password string }
    Date           : TDate;            { Expire date of password }
  end; { record TPassword }

{ ========================================================================== }
{ System text type, used to store the FOSSTEXT.* files in memory             }
{ ========================================================================== }
  TTxt             = record
    Pnt            : array[0..799] of record
      Pos          : Word;             { Position of text in Text array }
      Len          : Char;             { Length of text in Text array }
    end; { record Pnt }
    Text           : array[0..49151] of Byte;
  end; { record TTxt }

{ ========================================================================== }
{ System meny types, used to store meny setup from FOSSTEXT.* files in
  memory                                                                     }
{ ========================================================================== }
  TMenuKey         = record
    Func           : string[25];       { Command string }
    MinKey         : Byte;             { Minimum number of matched
                                         characters from start of string }
  end; { record TMenuKey }

  PMenus           = ^TMenus;
  TMenus           = array[0..99] of TMenuKey;

{ ========================================================================== }
{ Access type, used to store different sets of Access in areas               }
{ ========================================================================== }
  TAccess          = ( acReadMsg,      { Allowed to read messages }
                       acWriteMsg,     { Allowed to write messages }
                       acUploadFile,   { Allowed to upload files }
                       acDownloadFile, { Allowed to download files }
                       acOpenDoor,     { Allowed to open doors }
                       acAreaOp,       { Allowed to use AreaOp functions in
                                         SysOp menu }
                       acSysOp,        { Allowed to use SysOp function in
                                         SysOp menu }
                       acRFU );        { RFU }
  SAccess          = set of TAccess;

{ ========================================================================== }
{ Graph type, used to store what kind of additional control characters to
  send in addition to the standard AscII set                                 }
{ ========================================================================== }
  TGraph           = ( grIBM,          { Allow high 128+ AscII characters }
                       grANSI );       { Allow ANSI control codes }
  SGraph           = set of TGraph;

{ ========================================================================== }
{ ClearScr type, used to store when the user wants the screen blanked        }
{ ========================================================================== }
  TClearScr        = ( clMenu,         { Clear screen before menus }
                       clMsg,          { Clear screen before messages }
                       clBullet );     { Cleer screen before bulletins }
  SClearScr        = set of TClearScr;

{ ========================================================================== }
{ ANSIUse type, used to store when the user wants ANSI graphics used         }
{ ========================================================================== }
  TANSIUse         = ( anMenu,         { Use ANSI graphics in menus }
                       anMsg,          { Use ANSI graphics in messages }
                       anBullet );     { Use ANSI graphics in bulletins }
  SANSIUse         = set of TANSIUse;

{ ========================================================================== }
{ ARC type, used to store preferred archive format                           }
{ ========================================================================== }
  TArc             = ( arNone,         { Archiving not preferred }
                       arZIP,          { Use ZIP archiving }
                       arARC,          { Use ARC archiving }
                       arLZH,          { Use LZH/LHA archiving }
                       arARJ );        { Use ARJ archiving }

{ ========================================================================== }
{ AreaMark type, used to store message marking in memory                     }
{ ========================================================================== }
  TAreaMark        = array[1..32767] of Word;

{ ========================================================================== }
{ Connect type, used to store connection information                         }
{ ========================================================================== }
  TConnect         = record
    ModemSpeed     : LongInt;          { Modem speed in bits per second }
    PCSpeed        : LongInt;          { PC<->modem speed in bits per second }
    ErrorCorrect   : ( eNone,          { No error correction on link }
                       eMNP,           { Link uses MNP error correction }
                       eMNP10,         { Link uses MNP level 10 error
                                         correction }
                       eLAPM );        { Link uses LAPM error correction }
    Compression    : ( cNone,          { No hardward compression on link }
                       cMNP5,          { Link uses MNP level 5 compression }
                       cV42b );        { Link uses V42bis compression }
  end; { record TConnect (10 Bytes) }

{ ========================================================================== }
{ FrogNetAddr type, used to control network message flow                     }
{ ========================================================================== }
  TFrogNetAddr     = record
    case LongInt of
      0: ( Country : Word;
           Node    : Byte );
      1: ( Buf     : LongInt );
  end; { record TFrogNetAddr (4 Bytes) }

{ ========================================================================== }
{ SysCfg type, used to store main configuration information
  API: fioReadMainCfg
       fioWriteMainCfg                                                       }
{ ========================================================================== }
  TSysCfg          = record
    Version        : string[19];       {   1-  20  Version of FOSS which last
                                                   wrote to this file }
    BoardName      : Str30;            {  21-  51  Name of Bulletin Board }
    MaxLoggedChats : Word;             {  52-  53  Max number of SysOp chat
                                                   log files to keep }
    VersionID      : Word;             {  54-  55  VersionID of FOSS which
                                                   last wrote to this file }
    SystemNodeID   : bNetAddr;         {  56-  59  FrogNet address of this
                                                   Bulletin Board }
    Registered     : Boolean;          {  60-  60  Is this Board registered? }

    NU2            : array[61..71] of Byte;

    SysOpName      : Str30;            {  72- 102  Name of main SysOp, user
                                                   which this name have
                                                   extra access }
    SysOpPassword  : TPassword;        { 103- 119  Main SysOp's password }
    FileDescrName  : Str12;            { 120- 132  Last used DESCRIPT.ION file
                                                   name }
    FrogNetReqUser : Str30;            { 133- 163  Name of FrogNet request
                                                   user of this Board }
    Location       : Str30;            { 164- 194  Current geographic location
                                                   of this Board }
    GiveBackMS     : Byte;             { 195- 195  Number of ms to return to
                                                   OS on each sleep }
    NU1            : array[196..199] of Byte;

    NewUserTime    : Word;             { 200- 201  Default time limit given to
                                                   new users }
    NewLevel       : Byte;             { 202- 202  Default access level given
                                                   to new users }
    NewFlags       : set of ( NewOk2Reg );
                                       { 203- 203  NewOk2Reg: Area new users
                                                   allowed to register on this
                                                   Board? }
    ScratchPad     : PathStr;          { 204- 283  Scratch-pad file name }
    UNZIPPath      : PathStr;          { 284- 363  UNZIP path }
    ZIPPath        : PathStr;          { 364- 443  ZIP path }
    MainPhone      : Str16;            { 444- 460  Main phone number of this
                                                   Board }
    PipeServer     : Str30;            { 461- 491  Pipe server path }

    NU3            : array[492..603] of Byte;

    RAMDisk        : DirStr;           { 604- 671  RAM-disk path }
    Inactivity     : Word;             { 672- 673  Max inactivity time in
                                                   seconds before disconnect }

    NU4            : array[674..1013] of Byte;

    PkArcPath      : PathStr;          {1014-1093  PkArc path }
    PkXArcPath     : PathStr;          {1094-1173  PkXArc path }
    LHAPath        : PathStr;          {1174-1253  LHA path }
    ARJPath        : PathStr;          {1254-1333  ARJ path }

    NU6            : array[1334..1413] of Byte;

    CDROM          : array[1..10] of Char;
                                       {1414-1423  CD-ROM driver letters }

    RFU            : array[1424..4092] of Byte;

    RecPos         : LongInt;          {4093-4096  FilePos of this record }
  end; { type TSYSCfg (4 KBytes) }

{ ========================================================================== }
{ NodeCfg type, used to store node specific configuration information
  API: fioReadNodeCfg
       fioGetNodeCnt                                                         }
{ ========================================================================== }
  TNodeFlag        = ( nfShowWhenOffline,
                       nfUseInactivity );
{ ModFlags }
  SNodeFlag        = set of TNodeFlag;

{ ModCfgT }
  TNodeCfg         = record
    ComPort        : Integer;          {   1-   2  Active com port for node:
                                                   1-4 = COM1-4
                                                   5   = use specified dev. }

    NU1            : array[3..8] of Byte;

    LockedSpeed    : Boolean;          {   9-   9  Locked modem speed }
    ConnectType    : ( DirectCOM,
                       WaitForDCD );   {  10-  10  Node type }

    InitStr        : Str60;            {  11-  71  Modem init string }
    AnswerStr      : Str30;            {  72- 102  Modem answer string }
    OnHookStr      : Str30;            { 103- 133  Modem onhook string }
    OffHookStr     : Str30;            { 134- 164  Modem offhook string }

    SysOpAvail     : Boolean;          { 165- 165  SysOp available? }

    NU2            : array[166..166] of Byte;

    RingB4Answer   : Byte;             { 167- 167  Number of rings before
                                                   answering a call }
    IODevice       : Str16;            { 168- 184  IO-Device to use if ComPort
                                                   is 5 }
    Flags1         : SNodeFlag;        { 185- 185  Node flags }
    InitSpeed      : LongInt;          { 186- 189  Modem init speed }
    MinSpeed       : LongInt;          { 190- 193  Min accepted CONNECT
                                                   speed }
    MaxSpeed       : LongInt;          { 194- 197  Max accepted CONNECT
                                                   speed }
    MinLevel       : Word;             { 198- 199  Min accepted access level }
    MaxLevel       : Word;             { 200- 201  Max accepted access level }
    DialStr        : Str30;            { 202- 232  Modem dial string }

    RFU            : array[233..252] of Byte;
    RecPos         : LongInt;          { 253- 256  FilePos of this record }
  end; { type TNodeCfg (256 Bytes) }

{ ========================================================================== }
{ AreaDirCfg type, used to store directory configuration for each area
  API: fioReadDirCfg
       fioWriteDirCfg                                                        }
{ ========================================================================== }
{ Area_Directory_Record }
  TAreaDirCfg      = record
    DirNo          : Word;             {   1-   2  Internal number of
                                                   directory }
    DirName        : Str30;            {   3-  33  Name of directory }
    DiskDir        : DirStr;           {  34- 101  Assigned disk directory }
    Flags          : set of ( ShowUploader,
                              NoDownload );
                                       { 102- 102  Directory flags }
    FirstRec       : LongInt;          { 103- 106  Internal pointer to .DIR }
    NextRec        : LongInt;          { 107- 110  Internal pointer to .DIR }

    RFU            : array[111..124] of Byte;

    RecPos         : LongInt;          { 125- 128  FilePos of this record }
  end; { type TAreaDirCfg (128 Bytes) }

{ ========================================================================== }
{ AreaCfg type, used to store area configuration information for each area
  API: fioReadAreaCfg
       usrMsgAddress                                                         }
{ ========================================================================== }
  TAreaFlag        = ( afNewUserMember,
                       NU7 );
{  Area_Flags_Type  = Set Of (New_User_Member,
  SAreaFlag        = set of TAreaFlag;

{ Area_Config_Record }
  TAreaCfg         = record
    AreaName       : Str30;            {   1-  31  Name of area }
    AreaCode       : Str4;             {  32-  36  Code used for AREAxxxx
                                                   files }
    FileCode       : Str4;             {  37-  41  AreaCode of file menu }
    DoorCode       : Str4;             {  42-  46  AreaCode of door menu }
    BullCode       : Str4;             {  47-  51  AreaCode of bulletin menu }

    NU1            : array[52..53] of Byte;

    ReadOldMsg     : Word;             {  54-  55  Max number of old messages
                                                   to read }
    AreaFlags      : SAreaFlag;        {  56-  56  Area flags }
    HostNodeID     : TFrogNetAddr;     {  57-  60  Address of FrogNet host for
                                                   this area }

    NU2            : array[61..62] of Byte;

    AccessLevel    : array[0..15] of SAccess;
                                       {  63-  78  Access levels for this
                                                   area }

    RFU            : array[79..124] of Byte;

    RecPos         : LongInt;          { 125- 128  FilePos of this record }
  end; { record TAreaCfg (128 Bytes) }

{ ========================================================================== }
{ AreaLinkStat type, used to store status of a network link in a area        }
{ ========================================================================== }
  TAreaLinkFlag     = ( lfActiveLink,
                        lfAcceptResign );
{  Link_Cfg_Flags   = Set Of (ActiveLink,
  SAreaLinkFlag    = set of TAreaLinkFlag;

  TAreaLinkStat    = record
    LinkFlags      : SAreaLinkFlag;    {   1-   1  Link flags }
    LastMsgXfer    : LongInt;          {   2-   5  Last message transfered }
    TempMsgXfer    : LongInt;          {   6-   9  Temp message pointer }

    RFU            : array[10..28] of Byte;

    RecPos         : LongInt;          {  29-  32  FilePos of this record }
  end; { record TAreaLinkStat (32 Bytes)  }

{ ========================================================================== }
{ EventCfg type, used to store all timed event of the system                 }
{ ========================================================================== }
  TEventCfg        = record
    EventName      : Str30;            {   1-  31  Name of event }
    EventType      : ( evtCommand,
                       evtPollHUB );   {  32-  32  Type of event }
    EventFreq      : ( evtCustom,
                       evtYearly );    {  33-  33  Frequency of event }
    LastRun        : TDateTime;        {  34-  39  Last time event was started }
    NextRun        : TDateTime;        {  40-  45  Next time event should run }
    CustomFreq     : TDateTime;        {  46-  51  Custom frequency of event }

    EventCommand   : Str80;            {  52- 133  Command to execute }
    EventNode      : Word;             { 134- 135  Run event from node }

    RFU            : array[136..1020] of Byte;

    RecPos         : Longint;          {1021-1024  FilePos of this record }
  end; { record TEventCfg (1 KBytes) }

{ ========================================================================== }
{ TUser type, used to store most of the user information                     }
{ ========================================================================== }
  TUser            = record
    UserName       : Str30;            {   1-  31  Local user name }
    UserAddress    : Str30;            {  32-  62  Address }
    UserPostCode   : Str30;            {  63-  93  Post code }
    City           : Str12;            {  94- 106  City }
    Password       : TPassword;        { 107- 123  Password and latest date
                                                   to change it }
    HomePhone      : Str16;            { 124- 140  Home phone number }
    WorkPhone      : Str16;            { 141- 157  Word phone number }

    FirstOn        : TDateTime;        { 158- 163  Time user was created }
    TimesOn        : LongInt;          { 164- 167  Number logons }
    MsgWritten     : Word;             { 168- 169  Messages written }
    MsgRead        : Word;             { 170- 171  Messages read }
    LastOn         : TDateTime;        { 172- 177  Last seen online }

    NU1            : array[178..178] of Byte;
{    NetNumber      : Byte;             {  1/178 * Brukere en node nummer ... }

    Flags          : set of ( Available,
                              FreeForUse );
                                       { 179- 179  User flags }

    Downloads      : Word;             { 180- 181  Files downloaded }
    DownloadKB     : Word;             { 182- 183  KBytes downloaded }
    Uploads        : Word;             { 184- 185  Files uploaded }
    UploadKB       : Word;             { 186- 187  KBytes uploaded }
    Protocol       : Char;             { 188- 188  Transfer protocol }

    Graphics       : SGraph;           { 189- 189  Graphics mode }
    AccessLevel    : Byte;             { 190- 190  Expert mode }

    TimeAllowed    : Word;             { 191- 192  Minutes allowed each day }
    TimeLeft       : Word;             { 193- 194  Minutes left today }
    TimeTotal      : LongInt;          { 195- 198  Total minutes online }

    ANSIClear      : SClearScr;        { 199- 199  Clear screen before
                                                   displaying ... }
    ScreenLines    : Byte;             { 200- 200  Screen lines }
    Language       : Char;             { 201- 201  Language key }
    ANSIUse        : SANSIUse;         { 202- 202  Use ANSI codes when
                                                   displaying ... }

    NU2            : array[203..208] of Byte;
{    LastScan       : TDateTime;        { 203- 208  Last new files scan,
                                                   this is currenly not used }

    Packing        : TArc;             { 209- 209  Selected archiver }
    Toggles				 : set of ( DisplayStatus,
                                       { 210- 210  User toggles }

    RFU            : array[211..252] of Byte;

    RecPos         : LongInt;          { 253- 256  FilePos of this record }
  end; { type TUser (256 Bytes) }

  Fileformat for AREAxxxx.REG files
  Area_Flags  = Set Of (Member, Invited);

  AREA_Reg    = Record
    LastRead       : LongInt;          {4/ 4 * Last message read in area     }
    Access         : SAccess;           {1/ 5 * Additional access for this area
                                               access should primary be taken
                                               from the B&BAREAS.CFG file    }
    LastScan       : TDateTime;				 {6/11 * Last new files scan in area,
                                               this one is saved only for file
                                               areas                         }
    Flags          : Area_Flags;       {1/12 * Users area flags              }
    InvitedBy      : LongInt;          {4/16 * Invited by user ...           }

    RFU            : Array[17..32] Of Byte;
                                       { /8 * RFU                            }
  End; { Type AREA_Reg }

  Filformat for AREAxxxx.MHD filene - filene som innholder headere for
  meldingene i AREAxxxx.MTX filene.
  MsgSecT     = (ActiveM,PublicM,PrivateM,ReadM,FileM,ReqM);
  MsgSec      = Set Of MsgSecT;

  NetRegT     = (ToLocal,FromLocal,Echo);
  NetReg      = Set Of NetRegT;

  TMsgUser         = record
    case UserType : ( Local, FrogNet, OtherNet ) of
        ( ID       : LongInt );        { Pos in user database }
        ( User     : Str30;            { User name }
          Addr     : bNetAddr;         { User address }
          Node     : bNetAddr );       { Received from node }
        ( UserAddr : Str80;
          ExtraPos : LongInt );        { 86/  86 - }
  end; { TMsgUser }

  AREA_Mhd    = Record
    FromUser       : LongInt;          { 4/  4 - Pointer to LOCALUSR.REG     }
    ToUser         : LongInt;          { 4/  8 - Pointer to LOCALUSR.REG     }
    NetUsers       : NetReg;           { 1/  9 -                             }
    Security       : MsgSec;           { 1/ 10 -                             }

    Subject        : Str60;            {61/ 71 - Emne p� meldingen           }
    MsgPointer     : LongInt;          { 4/ 75 - Peker til AREAxxxx.MTX      }
    MsgNumber      : LongInt;          { 4/ 79 - Nummeret p� meldingen       }
    ReplyTo        : LongInt;          { 4/ 83 - Denne er svar p� xxx        }
    FirstReply     : LongInt;          { 4/ 87 - F�rste svar til denne er    }

    Lines          : Word;             { 2/ 89 - Linjer i meldingen          }
    DateEntered    : TDateTime;       { 6/ 95 - Dato meldingen er skrevet   }

    ONumber        : LongInt;          { 4/ 99 - Orginal meldingens nummer   }
    RNumber        : LongInt;          { 4/103 - Denne er svar til           }
    NextInThread   : LongInt;          { 4/107 - Neste melding i denne tr�den}
    ReceivedFrom   : bNetAddr;         { 4/111 - }
    RemoteFromID   : bNetAddr;         { 4/115 - }

    NU1            : array[116..118] of Byte;

    MsgBufLen      : LongInt;          { 4/122 - Total number of message
                                                 bytes                       }

    NetFromPos     : LongInt;          { 4/126 - Pointer to .ADR             }
    NetFromLen     : Word;             { 2/128 - Length of addresse          }
    NetToPos       : LongInt;          { 4/132 - Pointer to .ADR             }
    NetToLen       : Word;             { 2/134 - Length of addresse          }

    RemoteToID     : bNetAddr;         { 4/138 - }

    RFU            : array[139..252] of Byte;
                                       {  /252 - RFU                         }
    RecPos         : LongInt;          { 4/256 - }
  End; { Type AREA_Mhd }

  Record format for the MAIN\AREA\AREA*.DIR files - Board file databases
  PFileRec         = ^TFileRec;
  TFileRec         = record
    FileName       : string[16];       { 17/ 17 * Name of file shown to user }
    Description    : string[120];      {121/138 * File description           }

{    Description1   : String[55];       { 56/ 73 * First line of description  }
 {   RFU1           : Array[74..78] Of Byte;
    Description2   : String[55];       { 56/134 * Second line of description }

    RFU2           : array[139..139] of Byte;
    FTXPointer     : LongInt;          {  4/143 * Pointer to extended info   }
    Date           : TDateTime;        {  6/149 * Date of install/upload     }
    Size           : LongInt;          {  4/153 * Size of file in bytes      }
    DirNo          : LongInt;          {  4/157 * DirNo belonging to         }
    UploadedBy     : LongInt;          {  4/161 * Uploaded by Ptr to user db }
    Downloads      : LongInt;          {  4/165 * Number of downloads        }
    CDROM          : Byte;             {  1/166 * CD-ROM# or 0 for normal    }
    CDPath         : string[60];       { 61/227 * CD-ROM path                }
    FileFlags      : set of (KilledFile);
                                       {  1/228 * File record flags          }
    TBU            : array[229..252] of Byte;
    RecPos         : LongInt;          {  4/256 * }
  end; { Type AREA_Dir }

  Filformat for MAIN\NODESTAT filen - filen som inneholder node-aktivitet
  post tilsvarer nodenummer, 0=0, 1=1 osv.
  ActivityS   = Set Of (WrittenMessage,

  NodeStat    = Record
    NodeNo         : Byte;             {  1/  1 * Node nummer                }
    Activity       : Word;             { 0=Down,   1=Event,  2=Wait,
                                         3=Recycling, 4=Picking up call,
                                         5=Loggin in, 6=FrogNet xfer
                                        10=Active,11=Enter, 12=D/l,
                                        13=Upload,14=OpenD, 15=SysOpChat,
                                        500..755=Chatting with node          }

    ComPort        : Byte;             {  1/  4 * 0 = Local, 1/2, 3=Base+Irq }
    ShowAllways    : Boolean;          {  1/  5 * Allways show in status     }
    IOHandle       : Word;             {  2/  7 * Current COM-handle for node}
    NU2            : Word;
    BaudRate       : Word;             {  2/ 11 * Init bps-rate              }
    DoneWhat       : ActivityS;        {  1/ 12 *                            }
    NU1            : Byte;             {  1/ 13 *                            }
    LockedSpeed    : Boolean;          {  1/ 14 * Kj�res fast hastighet?
                                                  dvs. bruk initrate?        }

    UserName       : Str30;            { 31/ 45 * Navnet p� lokal bruker     }
    UserAddress    : Str30;            { 31/ 76 *  Adressen                  }
    UserPostCode   : Str30;            { 31/107 *  PostAdressen              }
    City           : Str12;            { 13/120 *  Bostedsby                 }

    Downloads      : Word;             {  2/122 * Filer downloadet           }
    DownloadKB     : Word;             {  2/124 * KB downloadet              }
    Uploads        : Word;             {  2/126 * Filer uploadet             }
    UploadKB       : Word;             {  2/128 * KB uploadet                }
    Protocol       : Char;             {  1/129 * Overf�ringsprotokol        }

    TimeAllowed    : Word;             {  2/131 * Maks online tid/dag        }
    TimeLeft       : Word;             {  2/133 * Tid igjen i dag            }
    Connected      : LongInt;          {  4/137 * Innloggingstid             }
    Graphics       : SGraph;            {  1/138 * Grafikk                    }

    ConnectSpeed   : TConnect;         { 10/148 * Connected speed            }
    Avail          : Boolean;          {  1/149 *                            }
    UserPos        : LongInt;          {  4/153 * }

    RFU            : Array[154..256] Of Byte;
                                       {   /256 * RFU                        }
  End; { Type NodeStat }

  Filformat for MAIN/NODEMSG.* filene - filene inneholder meldinger mellom
  NodeMsg     = Record
    FromNode       : Byte;             {  1/  1 * Sendt fra node             }
    FromUser       : LongInt;          {  4/  5 * Sendt av bruker            }
    ToNode         : Byte;             {  1/  6 }
    ToUser         : LongInt;          {  4/ 10 }
    Flags          : Set Of (nmRead, nmInBuffer);
                                       {  1/ 11 }
    RFU            : Array[12..47] Of Byte;
                                       {   / 47 * RFU                        }
    SystemMsg      : Byte;             {  1/ 48 }
    Messy          : String[79];       { 80/128 * Melding                    }
  End; { Type NodeMsg }

  Fileformat for the MAIN\B&BLINKS.CFG file - Network link config
  Net_Config_Record = Record
    LinkType       : ( FrogNetHost,    { 1/  1 * Remote system is ...        }
                       OtherNetLink );
    NodeAddr       : Str30;            {31/ 32 * Remote system ID            }
    LastBullDate   : Word;             { 2/ 34 * Last bulletin exchange date }
    LinkSysOp      : Str30;            {31/ 65 * Remote SysOp name           }
    LinkPassword   : Str12;            {13/ 78 * Password to access link     }
    LinkPhone      : Str16;            {17/ 95 * Link phone number           }
    LinkSystem     : Str30;            {31/126 * Remote system name          }
    NodeID         : bNetAddr;         { 4/130 * }

    RFU            : Array[131..254] Of Byte;

    LinkLocalPos   : Word;             { 2/256 * Temp pointer to this record,
                                                 only internal use           }
  End; { Record Net_Config_Record }

  Fileformat for the MAIN\B&BPROT.CFG file - The file protocol config file
  ProtTypeType      = set of (Batch, BiDirectional, Auto);

  Protocol_Config_Record = record
    Letter         : Char;            {  1/  1 * Letter used to select prot. }
    Name           : Str30;           { 31/ 32 * Name of protocol            }
    ProgramPath    : Str60;           { 61/ 93 * Program path                }
    UploadCommand  : Str200;          {201/294 * Receive command             }
    DownloadCommand: Str200;          {201/495 * Send command                }

    OkErrorLevel   : ShortInt;        {  1/496 * Error level returned if OK  }
    ProtType       : ProtTypeType;    {  1/497 * Protocol capabilities       }
    AutoReceive    : Str16;           { 17/514 * Auto receive string         }

    RFU            : array[515..1020] of Byte;
    RecPos         : LongInt;         {  4/1024 * Temp pointer to this record,
                                                  only internal use          }
  end; { Record Protocol_Config_Record }


End. { Unit Types }

These pages are Copyright © 1995-96 by Terje Flaarønning
This page is last updated at 24th March 1999